Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Dentist in Fort Lauderdale Explains Gum Disease Causes and Symptoms

Gum disease is a serious condition that can greatly affect a person’s oral health. Many a dentist in Fort Lauderdale say that this condition normally develops due to particles of food accumulating between teeth and gums, which can cause bacteria to thrive and lead to an infection. This condition normally starts off small and unnoticeable with mild sensitivity in the gums. If it progresses beyond the initial stages, it can turn into a much more dangerous condition. What makes gum disease dangerous is that it can increase the chances of other conditions occurring, such as diabetes, and digestive issues.

What can cause gum disease?

There are many factors that can contribute to the development of gum disease. Some of the most notable contributory factors are smoking, medications, inadequate oral hygiene, hormonal imbalance, and age. It should also be noted that men are more likely to develop gum disease than women. In younger patients, such as teenagers, gum disease does not normally develop to the final stage of periodontitis, but will develop to an initial stage known as gingivitis. However, it should be noted that one of main reasons for the development of gum disease is inadequate oral hygiene. When plaque and tartar accumulate along the gum line, it provides a place for bacteria to grow and thrive.

What are the symptoms of gum diseases?

There are several ways to tell if an individual is experiencing signs of gum disease. One of the most notable signs is persistent bad breath. Other signs to look out for include gums that are swollen or have a red appearance, and feel tender and bleed when brushing. In addition to this, a patient’s teeth will feel quite sensitive. Loose teeth and pain when chewing are also indications of the presence of gum disease. Another telltale sign of progressing gum disease is a receding gum line and teeth that appear longer.

To Learn More About Gum Disease, Please Visit: Boris Lipovetskiy DMD